Thursday, June 02, 2005

21 Years Ago yesterday

..I gave birth to a huge baby boy (4.5kg) named Tim. Last night my 183cm, 85kg son came home to celebrate with his family and grandparents. Not so unusual you say but he brought his wife and he was there to celebrate. Tim was diagonised with AML just before 16 and only given a 30% chance of survival. At one stage during his treatment when things looked hopeless we talked about having a 21st party even if he was only 16. So to make yesterday was a great blessing and we had a fabulous night.

It's a funny thing but when people hear Tim had cancer they pity us. We, on the other hand, are very grateful for the experience. We got the chance to say,'if I had a second chance at life what would I do with it?' For me that was to face the fear of failure and do all the things I was 'gonna do' but never got around to. So from an overweight, extremely unfit mum emerged a snowboarder, a runner, a (little) triathlete, a bikie chick (luv my ZX6R) and the confidence to be growth group leader at church.

I now treasure opportunities and second chances. Go for it :-). TA

Ps Wednesday was a rest day and tonight is run club- yeh!


At 3:49 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

TA I'm looking forward to RunClub too!

When I was at high school a lady with cerebral palsey gave a speach entitled "when God gives you lemons, make lemonade." That had a profound affect on me. It's not what happens to us in life that is important...but what we do with it. I'm not glad my Mum has a mental illness as I wouldn't wish that on anyone...but without my life having been so profoundly affected by her disability I would not be doing the work I do, which I love dearly. Life is strange like that.

I'm glad you made the choices you did as otherwise I may never have met you and the Gnome.

At 5:12 pm, Blogger Jen said...

I have just finished reading Lance Armstrong's autobio - It's Not About the Bike ? Have you read it ? In it, he tells the story of being told by a fellow cancer survivor that "we are the lucky ones" - ie because of the experience you have shared, you learn (or are reminded) to grab life with both hands and give it a good shake. It sounds like your family certainly has ! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. J


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