Monday, January 16, 2006

Is it TA or Spiderwoman?

TA is back home safe. Cambodia was a terrific experience. I spent one day as a tourist and the other 5 were spent visiting provincial churches handing out christmas boxes and running a youth camp for 100 Cambodians aged 15-25. I had been told I was not going to be able to exercise as it was too dangerous to run alone so the best I managed was leading 2x30min aerobic classes at the camp. Not many people can claim having 110 people in their class. Cambodians don't really like exercise so day 1 was 30mins of chaotic fun. Day 2 they had a bit more of an idea. I'm still trying to work out why they scream at the top of their lungs when running :-)

My ankle was still sore before I left for Cambodia so I'd booked a session with Dr Pain for last Friday - the day I got home. He found a lump in my Achilles and said it has resulted from my tight calf which is the result of a bad tear I'd done earlier last year. If I was an inactive person this would never happen. So no running but all the other stuff is ok. He neglected to say for how long which usually means a long time. At one stage I was trying to crawl off the bed to get away from him breaking down the scar tissue. He just laughed and kept going...

Unfortunately I came home from Cambodia with extreme body aches and pains as well as diarrhoea. I was desparate to do something Saturday so did some weights but was really crook and exhausted by the end. After a break I felt better and enjoyed the afternoon walking and doing sessions with a couple of clients. I was extremely tired that night and actually got sicker overnight and dragged myself around Sunday and half of today. At least tonight I'm starting to think that I might even feel like doing some exercise in the next couple of days. I also ate my first full meal in 5 days tonight and 2.5 hours later haven't had to make a bathroom trip. So I'm on the improve and that's the best kind of PB for me lately.


Ps Spiderwoman refers to my eating a spider in Cambodia. It looked just like a female funnel web and on further questioning it appears they are related. Gross I hear you say but I'd eat it again- quite tasty and the legs were crunchy and besides it felt a bit like revenge.


At 6:49 am, Blogger Wobbly man said...

Welcome back TA. Sorry to hear of you achilles. I hope its back to normal before too long. I hear your boy has been running some PB's of his own recently..

At 8:21 am, Blogger Gronk said...

Eeek you are in the wars TA. Hope your better soon. As for the spider eating, I'll leave that to you I think.

At 9:12 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to have you back Spidey...or should that be ducky?

I've worked with a number of Khmer people as the incidence of MI is understandably high due to the trauma they have suffered. I have found them to be amazing people. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.

At 9:54 am, Blogger Lulu said...

Sounds like a very interesting trip, spider eating and all!

I've now got a nine week water running programme that the physio gave me. 5 days a week training with a variety of sessions to keep you interested. If you want it let me know and I'll email it to you.

At 11:26 am, Blogger Tesso said...

Glad to hear you are slowing improving TA.

What an adventure you've had! Must've been a hoot taking those aerobic classes. But as for the spider eating, I can think of better ways to get revenge.

At 7:33 pm, Blogger Cirque said...

Welcome home TA. I hope you're back up to speed very soon.

At 1:48 pm, Blogger 2P said...

What an adventure - but you can keep the spider eating!!!

Hope your recovery goes well ;-)


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