Saturday, February 10, 2007

Short anatomy lesson

Here's a sad ol' picture for you... back.

The yellow line is a normal disk, the blue line is "medium to severe degeneration of L5/S1" and the red line is a "moderate disk extrusion at L4/L5". What that all means in layman's language is that the 'red' disk is pushing through onto my spinal chord, producing all sorts of sharp pains down my left leg when I'm vertical. I'm not keen on waiting the 6 months that it will (may) take to resolve itself, so I'm having cortisone injections next week which should get me comfortably vertical in about a week, though not yet running for some undefined time after that. I'm also assured that the procedure and its immediate aftermath is extremely painful, so I can't exactly say that I'm looking forward to it.

Anyhow, the short term result of all this is that I withdrew from 6ft on Friday, and I have no idea when I will run competitively again. Ah well, better go and log on to CoolSwimming... :-)


p.s. looks like this is the last post to the old version of blogger. I'll post a brief test post to the new version in a little while. If you're using bloglines and you see this one but you don't see the next, then please go and manually re-subscribe. When I re-subscribed the other day to some of the other recalcitrants who have only just been pushed kicking and screaming to the new blogger, I found that I had to pick the last 'feed' on the list to get it to work. The first 'feed' was apparently still pointing to the old blogger. Good luck! :-)


At 1:14 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

That's sad Gnomey. I was looking forward to catching up with you in March. The 'pain' bit sounds bad! All the best for a speedy recovery.

At 7:54 pm, Blogger Jen said...

It was lovely to see you on Friday night Gnomey. I am very sorry to hear about your injury. Focus on doing everything possible to recover - being pain free while vertical is the first step. Six Foot will always be there

At 8:17 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Gees, you poor thing :-(

Best of luck with the treatment. No wonder pain is a four letter word - fingers crossed it won't hurt too much.

I'm glad you can swim, that will keep you fit ... and sane.

PS I didn't need to resubscribe, your blog showed up in Bloglines as having 25 new entries.

At 9:47 pm, Blogger Horrie said...

That's a real shame Gnome. Especially with how well you have been running. I was looking forward to you tearing up the 6 Foot Track. Hope you recover well and are out there giving me a hurry up soon enough.


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