Sunday, October 14, 2007

Not much of anything

It's been a little while since I blogged, mainly because it's been a little while since I ran :-(

Those at last weekend's Striders' 10k may have seen me once again with a camera around my neck. The sad story was that my back had a spasm while I was pulling on my trousers on Friday morning. (What is it about me and dressing? It was putting on my shoes that did the damage back in January!). I took the week off and then did the run/walk thing at Run Club on Thursday, and while it didn't feel comfortable, it didn't feel worse afterwards. A slow 3k by myself on Saturday and a 50 minute run with tiger angel today (Sunday) confirmed that running is possible, but I don't think that I'll be running any marathons in the next few weeks... :-) TA was really whacked after her PT session on Saturday, so we were both happy with the 6:25 pace.

I'll just keep trying to go around slowly until it feels more comfortable, and see what happens then. As of tomorrow, my work has transferred to Nth Ryde, so I'm expecting to be able to ride to work more often, and possibly even run occasionally. I'm looking forward to that now; I wonder how I'll feel about it after a few weeks :-)

TA's trainer has declared "no more mister nice guy" and has upped the intensity of her training somewhat. Hence, she's been pretty tired and achy lately, but I think that it's that good form of tired when you know why and you can see a purpose. It sure beats the other type! :-) At this stage, her training continues the broad range of disciplines - weights, riding, swimming & running, so she only gets to run twice a week. I don't think that I could cope with this tri-style training; I like the running too much.

Speaking of Triathlons, we got an email the other day advertising the Nepean Tri and it got me thinking. Now that (thanks to TA's excellent tuition) I *can* swim a km - albeit slowly - there's no real reason why I shouldn't go and have some fun in the sun out Penriff way. They may be packing up the course around me, but having no illusions about my capabilities frees me up to just enjoy the day, wave to the crowds and chat with the other battlers down the back. (Note, if you see me waving to the crowds during the swim leg, hop in and rescue me, won't you?? :-0 ). TA doesn't think that she's up to the full distance at this stage (lack of movement in her wrist means that control of the bike is still untested and unknown), but if she decides that the enticer is an option, then I'll be in there like a shot. Doing a short one with her beats doing anything by myself!


p.s. we went to Micro's footy club Presentation Dinner last night where they did the whole 'Brownlow type' round-by-round vote counting for B&F. Macro excelled himself by coming 7th (even topping the votes for one round). 'Twas quite a new experience for TA and myself to see one of our children up on the big screen in a sporting context. Most chuffed! :-)


At 1:56 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

You should have a good battle with Plu! Don't wave to the crowds during the swim!

If you think they'll pack up the course, ask LLs for some tips.

And another thing, sit down on the edge of the bed to put your bloody trousers on. I've been doing that since I turned 45 ;)

At 9:08 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Oh no, triathlons! Another one going to the other dark side.

At 10:02 pm, Blogger plu said...

Good stuff. I entered on Saturday-


At 7:21 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Gnome! I have enough to worry about right now without adding you & your trousers to the list! Take Ewen's advice...sit down!

Thanks you & TA for your lovely comments re Melbourne marathon....cheered me up no end!

Hope you get all your gear on safely at the triathlon!

Love to you very dear friends.

At 10:02 pm, Blogger Jen said...

I was going to make a comment about you & clothes but I won't :-)

Wonderful news to hear that you are going to do the Nepean Tri Gnome. I will be down there in a cheering/supporting capacity & promise to come & rescue you during the swim! Of course it won't be necessary so I'll just get myself a coffee & a comfy seat & watch instead!

Looking forward to catching up with you both.

At 9:40 am, Blogger 2P said...

Geez if you threw your back out just pulling on a pair of strides how are you going to go now you are joining the lycra set!


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