Sunday, December 11, 2005

Opportunites and Second Chances.

About year ago I asked Tim for some advice about tri training and before I knew it I'd dumped an interim trainer and started with Tim. What a difference a year makes. It's really nice to train again with someone who challenges me. Both Matt ( my original mentor) and Tim saw potential in me and encouraged me to extend my fitness but Tim took this further. He threw me in the deep end one night at Runclub and asked me to lead it. This was not something I thought I could do but from there his guidance has lead me to my present study as a Personal Trainer. So thankyou Tim for helping me to believe I can do it.

About 4 years ago, after our son survived all his cancer treatment I was once asked "What would I never give up?". My answer was "Opportunities and Second Chances" . This year I have grabbed those opportunities and second chances and have surprised myself quite a few times at what is possible even if it needs doing twice :-).



At 12:41 am, Blogger Tesso said...

Great post TA.

Opportunities and second chances - I'm gonna remember that little phrase.

At 2:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm flattered to be mentioned in the blog! thanks.

BTW the things you're going to achieve extend far beyond being a personal trainer, this is just the beginning. Bring on 2006!!


At 6:15 pm, Blogger Cirque said...

I have a feeling there are many more opportunities waiting out there for you guys, TA, and I know you'll make the most of them. Congratulations on everything you've achieved this year.

At 3:14 pm, Blogger miners said...

Wonderful title to your post, and a very inspiring thought. Congrats on all that you have both achieved this year, and I'm glad that Runclub has been such a positive influence to you both.

Thanks heaps for the positive comments and the inspiration from both of you (in fact that blogposting title has a certain relativeness to my next decision ...)


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