Sunday, April 20, 2008

And the winner is...

Me! :-) It all starts to become clear, but let's start at the beginning.

Rule number one for dumb runners - if you're carrying an injury for a while, go to a sports doctor for a diagnosis. Physios (even the world's best like our Dr Pain) treat problems, not diagnose them. I've been carrying this hip issue for a few months, and it's been clear to all of us that it was an inflammation or tendon problem, so that's what we've been treating (and that's why it was fine to run at Canberra).

By Thursday the worst of the pain had subsided and I was getting reasonably comfortable on the crutches. When I walked into the Dr's surgery and explained my symptoms, he just said "Oh, I know what that is! You've got a stress fracture in the neck of your femur". Sure enough, that's exactly what the MRI confirmed. Where the ball of the hip joint is attached to the top of the femur, there's a "grade 4" crack on the bottom side (I googled the grades, but it was all gobbledygook to me). I've yet to get the low-down from the doc, but going on what he told me on Thursday, I'll be on the crutches for a while and won't be back running for about 3 months.

So why am I a winner? Simply, the crack could have been on the top or the bottom of the neck. If it is on the top, then the crack tends to open when weight is put on it. On the bottom, weight tends to push the crack together. On the top, it often requires surgery and pins before it will heal. On the bottom, all it needs is time with no load and then it should be good as new. Mine's on the bottom side. How good is that! Also, the scan confirmed that there is no inflammation, bursitis, arthritis, etc, etc, etc in either hip, so that's a nice bonus.

So this season is a write off (pity, because it's the best start I've ever had), but there's always next year. :-)

Broken Gnome
( sad. He comes from a broken gnome, you know...)

p.s. of course, if I had got a proper diagnosis when the problem first occurred then I wouldn't have got to run 6ft... There you go. I'm a winner again :-)

p.p.s. although I'm fairly upbeat again now, I have to admit to having a very bad day on Friday. I like to think that I'm brave and strong and manly and all that crap, but the reality is that during the wait with the threat of surgery over my head, I was not in a happy place in my head (poor tiger angel). Thank you for all your comments, emails and PMs. They've all been very much appreciated.


At 4:10 pm, Blogger Cirque said...

Gnome ran an ultra and most or a marathon with a broken hip. I don't think you need to worry too much about failing on the brave, strong and manly score!

I'm so sorry it's something that will sideline you for a while but glad that at least you now have a diagnosis.

Welcome to the Gnome man's land where the rest of us non-runners temporarily reside.

At 4:41 pm, Blogger Jen said...

Gnome running for 3 months? That is a much better outcome than surgery.

Glad to hear that you now have an answer. A few months of gnome running & I'm certain you will be back to your best!

Take care. Will you be joining me for cheering duties at the club champs?

At 5:35 pm, Blogger Hamburglar said...

You are a very positive Gnome!

Did the doc say what causes these type of injuries?

You were going really well so it is a shame however you were getting too close to some of my PB's, so it is good to have some respite ;-0

Oh and by the way, you have just enough time to get right before the tri season ;-0

At 6:30 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Holy crap!!! I can't believe it. I also can't believe you find the good in something like that. A normal person would be whinging til the cows come home ... well, I would anyway and I reckon I am normal.

No doubt you have thought and discussed with the doc what you 'can' do to stay fit???

At 7:39 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

Sorry to hear that Gnome. Hope the time passes quickly and we can see you back racing in August maybe.

At 9:07 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

That is lucky. IHatetoast had the one which needed surgery and pins.

Lucky again that 6' is not until March next year :)

I don't believe such a well adjusted chap as yourself could be from a broken gnome.

At 9:58 am, Blogger Robert Song said...

In the face of such adversity, you are the laughing gnome.

Your positive outlook is truely inspirational. All the best with the recovery.

If you are ever feeling low in recovery, you should check out IHateToast's blog about her experience with her hip fracture. It is full of humour and inspiration.

At 10:07 am, Blogger Bennyr said...

It's certainly a half full glass, isn't it?

Three months with the metaphorical pom poms. I suspect that although she may have had to nurse you through Friday that Tiger Angel will benefit from some pretty spectacular support over the next three months.

Take care,

At 1:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not too bad considering Bruce. A crack will heal. Much better than what it could have been.

At 8:20 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

A broken gnome? Now that is too sad! I think Tess says it all when she wrote "holy crap!"

I hope this poor gnome, from a broken gnome, gets himself well asap. I don't think it's too much for TA to handle, even when you have a bad gnomey day!

Keep posting your progress, gnome.

At 11:53 pm, Blogger David Criniti said...

I know how you felt when the threat of surgery was there mate...and I'm very glad it didn't come to that.

I hope that you can make the most of your time off and come back firing again when it's right.


At 7:25 pm, Blogger 2P said...

I always just use a bit of super glue on my broken gnomes...

Just make sure no one kidnaps you and takes you on their holiday while you are standing still :)

At 10:12 pm, Blogger Spud said...

Bugger Gnome sorry to hear your news. But you remain very positive and I'm sure you'll be back amongst it stronger for the experience.
All the best!

At 10:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok...what Cirque said! You ran 6ft and started Canberra with a stress fracture? Bloody hell!


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