Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oops! It has been a while, hasn't it...

We got a little prod from the foot-sore Jen_runs the other day suggesting that another blog update may be in order. Funny how time gets away from you when things are going smoothly. Having just discovered that our last post was before the City2Surf, I might dispense with the blow-by-blow training account and just list a few highlights.

Highlight 1 - Tiger angel's first C2S in 3 years, the week after her first Lane Cove 10k in the same period. Here's to many more!

Highlight 2 - a C2S PB for me (Gnome) after only being back running for 6 weeks. Very surprised!

Highlight 3 - A very happy run at the Sydney Half - third fastest time ever for me (and the fastest on a certified course).

Highlight 4 - Tiger Angel's first Sydney half in (you guessed it) three years, and the first in a long time where she didn't want to give it all away in frustration (AND we got to cross the finish line together, but the stoopid finish-line photographers managed to make the wonderful appear ordinary. Ah well...)

Highlight 5 - CR5k last week. Tiger angel continued the downwards pressure on her time (trending down very nicely), and I broke 20 again (19:51 - a P-2nd-B).

That's enough highlights for now. I said to TA the other day that I wish people would stop saying "gee, you've come back quickly". After all, it's over six months since I broke down. As far as I'm concerned, there's been nothing quick about it. Her response was simply "yes, but it's only been 6 months". She has a way with words (and being right), does my girl. :-)



At 6:04 pm, Blogger Jen said...

Still footsore but very pleased to read a long list of fantastic list of highlights for you both !

Take care of yourselves - and each other - and keep blogging when I'm not around to keep an eye on you ;-)


At 6:42 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Its good to see all your recent achievements listed like that, makes them sound that much more impressive. It really does give me inspiration and hope.

Keep up the good work both of you.

At 7:34 am, Blogger Zodelicious said...

I bet its been the longest "only 6 months" of your life Gnome. Great to hear that you are both running well. :)

At 9:52 am, Blogger Ewen said...

Thanks for the update Bruce. Some amazing highlights for both of you there.

I'm glad TA brought you down to earth with the 6 months. I was starting to think you had some talent ;)


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