Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good Kids Done Good

Well we were good kids yesterday morning and didn't sleep in. The plan was a comfortable 10k with a negative split. So that meant two laps around the Franklin Rd course. I felt a bit body tired when we started but put that down to doing a weights session less than 10 hours earlier. Dumb huh! Gnome decided to distract me by talking about possible relocation of his work and he yakked while I listened. We finished with splits of 29.44 and 28.34. Gotta be happy with that. We could have been home in 200m but took the long way and did a 1k cooldown.

Gnome went off to work and I went to court to support a friend through property settlement with the ex. Now that was hard work and I thank God Gnome's hooked on me. Let me encourage you to be there for friends dealing with this - it's a very tough road for them.

Hope it's not too wet to cancel Runclub tonight.



At 3:51 pm, Blogger miners said...

great run angel - and an even better effort for putting in the hard yards with your friend. It wouldn't be pleasant I'm sure and I'm sure she/he would have really benefitted from you being there

At 7:15 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Good run kiddies!!
Your friend is lucky to have your support... it is a horrible time! Thats what friends are for :)

At 10:35 pm, Blogger Wobbly man said...

Nice one TA - sounds like a very productive day. You sound like a great friend too!

At 4:39 pm, Blogger Hannah said...

I second you on the supporting friends going through stuff like that idea... not nice to have to deal with alone :(

Great run!


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