Monday, December 12, 2005

100 minutes of 10 metre intervals

What a strange session! I had already decided to do my Sunday long run in the evening (rather than the more normal early morning), when they asked at church for people to do a Christmas Card letterbox drop. I'm normally in the habit of doing these along with TA, so this time I took two areas. It wasn't until I got home that I remembered that TA's ankle had flared up again, and hence she is only cross training this week. Two zones, umpteen christmas cards, and only me to deliver them. Ah, well...

I had to deliver the car (and MicroTA) up to TA at church in the evening, so I donned my running gear, dropped it off and ran home. Grabbed a back pack with the cards and started running. Run 20m. Stop. Card in box. Run 30m. Stop. Card in etc, etc, etc. Ran out of cards at about the 100 minuted mark, so dropped the back pack off and finished with another 20min to bring it up to an even 2 hours. Once again, very comfortable, and no niggles, though my quads were a tiny bit stiff today - all the stopping, I guess.

Tonight, I went to our local oval to video TA taking a group training session (part of proof for her 'professional practice' subject). The girls all sounded like they thoroughly enjoyed it (who'd a thought that exercising could be so much fun :-). I, on the other hand, just got cold :-( You don't get warm just standing around for 1 1/2 hours. Off to bed now. Angela's coming at 6am for an easy 8 or 10k, whilst TA takes her ankle to the gym. We do lead a strange life...



At 10:07 am, Blogger Gronk said...

sfG, the innovator. The elites will be doing "Postie Sessions" in the years to come. You watch them. ;)


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