Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Going downhill

Last week was generally OK. Did a 5k (tues), 10k (wed) and a speed session (Run Club thurs), all of which were OK, though generally feeling a bit sore in the knee. I'll be happy when the tightness frees up a bit more.

Saturday morning at the CR5k challenge was great as always. I was a bit unsure about running at pb pace, so when CR Queen Bee asked for a pacer at 4:15, all of us starting at 21minutes leapt at it (maybe they - Ray (eagle), Wayne (JD) & Rob (Mr WT) - were all feeling blah too :-)). Anyhow, the run was fun, and even though Bee couldn't quite keep up the pace - we finished in 21:35, so we were 20 seconds behind plan - I felt plenty healthy and very comfortable. Once again my knee whinged on the way home. Breakfast was magnificent as always, made more so by the waitressing mix up that left me with two breakfasts. I didn't need lunch or arvo tea that day :-)

After such a good day, for some reason I just got the Blahs. Sunday morning I just rolled over and decided to run in the evening. In the evening I ate lots of chocolate decided to run Monday. Monday I rolled over again (and ate lots more chocolate in the evening). Finally this morning I turned over a new leaf, actually got out of bed on time and went for a 9k run at 5:10 pace. The good news is that my knee waited till after the 5k point before it got yucky; the bad news is that it didn't wait any longer :-(

Let's see what happens tomorrow...


p.s. Tiger Angel has picked up a sore throat from somewhere, so she's in an activity-free zone at the moment. Her only activity tomorrow is a trip to Dr Pain. Talk about a sucker for punishment :-)


At 9:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all that chocolate I think you have PMS.

Post Marathon Stress



At 11:05 am, Blogger vat_man said...

Mate - wouldn't be too worried about the blahs, it's pretty normal for them to continue for a month or so after your first marathon or big goal race (like Six Foot, for example). You're still in recovery mode, so don't be too fussed about feeling flat for sessions or feeling like you're battling for motivation at the moment.

At 12:32 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Only one cure for post marathon blahs - rest and a new goal ;-)

Hope TA is feeling better soon.

At 6:31 pm, Blogger Cirque said...

Sounds like you guys just need the rest!

At 9:49 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

A new goal is the answer to your woes, Gnome! Wish I had a cure for TA's sore throat as well!

At 10:17 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

Gotta love a free breakfast/lunch at least it was two of what you ordered. Don't worry about feeling a bit off after the marathon. I was the same last year, well at least for a week. But everyone is different.Get back running soon you two.

At 8:53 am, Blogger allrounder said...

hope TA feels better soon...

chocolate is good! but i agree, you need to set a new goal...

At 10:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bruce -
Try article #9 for a few pointers?!
Hope Sue is feeling better.


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