Sunday, March 26, 2006

Artistic Genius...

A good Thursday track session always seems to translate to a good CR5k the following Saturday, and this week was no exception. With the back problems, I was unsure of how things would pan out, but I figured that the bestbubble-wrap method was to go full bore, but pull out if there was any kind of problem.

I started with the 21 minute crew and did the first k pretty much spot on in 4:15. At this point I felt (probably for the first time in my life) that I could go faster than that, so I started to pull away. Everything went really smoothly, and I basically sat on 4:05's for the rest of the way, with each k just slightly faster than the one before. Never done that before! :-) Finished up with a new PB of 20:36 (chipping 12 seconds off the old one).

We had a Run Club BBQ here last night which was great fun & a fantastic night, but my back was pretty sore & tired by the end. There was no way that I was waking up again 5 hours later for the Striders STaR, so I scrapped that idea and slept in a bit instead :-). TA was training WT in at Rozelle this afternoon, so I went in with her with the aim of doing 20k around the bay. Mr WT had the same idea, so we met up there and had a beaut run and chat, comparing marathon plans, strategies and niggles.

I'm feeling pretty beat-up at the moment (much more than I would have expected after just a 20k run) but I'm hopeful that things will continue to get better over the coming week.

Now, as for that artistic genius I alluded to in the title, MicroTA let his imagination run wild during one of his computer periods at school last week and produced this little gem. Poor old TA's picture got a bit squashed (like in one of those coney island fun mirrors), but it's still a lot of fun. Don't think that TA'll use it as an advertising brochure though...



At 8:57 pm, Blogger Jen said...

Congratulations on your latest PB Gnome. It was lovely to see you yesterday morning, albeit briefly. Keep yourself wrapped up over the next 2 weeks :-)

At 9:05 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Lol I think the poster could work ;-)

Great to catch up with you at the 5k Challenge Gnome and congratulations on such a fantastic PB with a gammy heel and crook back - you are gonna fly in a couple of weeks fit and healthy :-)

At 8:01 am, Blogger Lulu said...

Great to see you can stil run a comfortable PB even with a dodgy back! I hope Easy Tiger is looking after you.

Love the poster! But probably not ideal for advertising :)

At 12:47 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Great running on Saturday! Great for the confidence! Now put that bubble wrap back on and pad it out with cotton wool balls and take care! 13 days and counting!

At 9:53 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Congrats on that PB Gnome. Its a great feeling isn't it when you can pull something like that out of the hat!

At 10:34 am, Blogger Bennyr said...

Nice work, Gnome. Good luck with the continued recovery over the next week.

As for the advertising - I think it has the potential to reach a new market. I´d do a bill poster campaign in Kings Cross and see how you go!



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