Sunday, March 19, 2006

Feel like crap, but at least I'm running again

Not a nice two weeks. After my 32k at 5:10 (planned marathon) pace and feeling good, I got some virus that laid me out for 3 days. Just as I got over that, I got a bruised heel (yep, that's all it was. The physio said that you can get it from lying flat on your back in bed, and he swore that he wasn't pulling my leg). Pretty much over that on Monday and just about to start running again until...

I came in from work on Monday night singing "Happy birthday to me..." and doing a dumb dance around the kitchen, and put my back out. Aaaarrrggggghhh. Not only no running, there was virtually no walking or other movement either :-(

The lovely Lulu lent me her deep water running belt, and I spent time in the water on Wed, Thurs & Friday. The effect is wonderful in that there was absolutely no pain or stress from my back, and I felt like I was doing good stuff to keep the legs in some semblance of shape.

On Saturday I felt like, while my back was still tight, I should be able to attempt a run. I headed off with the attitude that I could pull the pin any time I wanted, but found that although I could feel my back all the time, it wasn't getting any tighter. Ended up doing 5.5km at 5:30 pace. Pretty happy with that.

This morning I intended to do some medium distance (14k?), but found that I was a bit stiff early in the morning (as well as tired :-). Ended up going tonight, doing the first 3.3k with TA, and then continuing on on my own. My quads whinged all the way, and I never got up above a trot, finishing just short of 14k at 6:00 minute pace and feeling absolutely crap.

I think that I'll do some water running tomorrow morning to try and get some of the quad strain out in the gentle water, and then I've got an appointment with Easy Tiger in the afternoon. Let's see what magic he can conjure...



At 11:38 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Oh well, when you get bored water running just think there's somebody else training for Canberra the same way.

Lets make a pact and put in an extra couple of laps for eachother tomorrow!

At 7:15 am, Blogger Jen said...

So sorry to hear that Gnome. Fingers crossed that Easy Tiger can weave some magic for you. I'm sending good thoughts your way!

At 11:40 am, Blogger Katie said...

Gosh Gnomey.... you need some bubble wrap! You will have to give us a rendition of your birthday jig... after canberra that is ;-)

You will be on the mend soon I am sure... just don't panic. Easy tiger has magic hands... tell him I said he has to look after you!

Good vibes coming your way!

At 12:11 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Glad the belt has been useful and I'm sure the water running will have helped.

Don't worry I've primed Easy Tiger, he's raring to go and he will make a difference I promise you.

At 2:24 pm, Blogger 2P said...

You will be fine Gnomey - you've done the training, just gotta maintain some fitness whilst nature take its course and you will be crossing the finish line in under 3hours 40mins :-)


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