Thursday, March 09, 2006


Monday - went back to Dr Pain for his tender ministrations on my calf. It must be better because I didn't die on the table :-). His news was especially good. Do half the normal hill reps on Tuesday and half the track session on Thursday and all the long stuff as normal. If there's no problems, then everything is back to full bore. He's packing his bags for Melbourne to look after his Comm. Games athletes (told you he's good!).

Tuesday - When I woke up with the alarm, I could hardly move. I was seriously sore all over my body. My darling TA made a few remarks about DOMS hitting 2 days later (Sunday to Tues - yep, made sense), so I forced myself to get up and ready. TA and I did the warm up 2k to the bottom of my chosen hill together, although for her, that was the sum total of the run. Still, from little acorns, etc. etc.

Still feeling less than optimal, I duly did my 4 reps in the same times as last, and then did a 4k cool down jog home. So many times I just wanted to turn and take the shortest route, but I stuck to it (silly, as it turned out). When I went to stretch, I discovered that I was shaking, had lost my balance and most of the control of my gastric system... uuuuurrrrgggghhh.

Simply, I didn't have DOMS, but a full on lurgy. Collapsed into bed.

Wednesday - Still there.

Thursday - emerging from the cocoon. Not sure that it looks too much like a butterfly, but it'll have to do :-)

I'll head back to work tomorrow, but I won't run until Saturday. I figure that if I do a comfortable run without looking at the watch and it turns out to be 5m/km, then my body's recovered enough to start picking it back up. If I do 6m/km, then I'll keep running, but I'll keep it easy. It's definitely listen-to-body time :-)


At 8:58 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Poor flutterby!!! Flap your wings and take it easy! I hope your feeling better.... must be something going around, I have a sore throat and an upset tummy at training this morning :-(

Power of positive thinking!

At 11:01 pm, Blogger vat_man said...

Who goes back to work on a Friday after a couple of days off genuinely crook?

At 8:22 am, Blogger Lulu said...

Hope you feel better soon Gnome! Sounds very nasty so look after yourself.

At 9:26 am, Blogger 2P said...

Chin up Gnome - if nothing else it will stop your nose running ;-)

Don't push it mate - you will be back posting about confidence boosters in no time.

At 3:12 pm, Blogger Robert Song said...

Get well soon. The legs will enjoy the rest.

At 9:10 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

We still have over four weeks, after all your hard work a few easy days won't do any harm. Just get well!!!

At 4:55 pm, Blogger CJ said...

Hop eyou are feeling better soon and you can get back to training.

At 5:36 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Ooooh, hope you've recovered Gnome! Tell me about frustration!! Take care & rest ...just like me!


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