Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Baby steps

TA & I went for a walk this morning! 4.5k at the princely pace of 10.5min/km (actually, it was probably closer to 9.5, but we had the dog with us, and he will insist on sniffing/marking everything he comes across...). Good news is that apart from feeling a slight tightness in my shin after about 1k, no real problems and no after effects. Baby steps, but steps nonetheless :-)

Thank you all for your constructive comments. They helped me to crystalise the things that I was thinking. I appreciate your thoughts. The plan from here has two parts,
Step 1) - slowly get back to running, and
Step 2) - have a modified training plan from there on.

Step 1 has commenced already. Walk every second day. When I can walk without problem (ie today! :-)), then graduate to walk/run - starting with 200m/50m. When I can do that for 30-45 minutes with no ill effects, then increase the run/decrease the walk. When there's no more walking, Step 1) is complete.

Step 2) My old training plan was
Mon - rest,
Tue - short stuff, intervals, hills, etc,
Wed - mid week long run
Thu - cycle morning (25k), track session (speed, hills, etc) night.
Fri - rest
Sat - Tempo or Race
Sun - long run

I'm going to transfer one session to the pool, add in two strength sessions (legs/core) and drop every third week by 40-50% on every session. The pool session will be on Tuesday (giving the legs two days rest from Sunday's pounding - also it's the shortest session of the week, and so most suited to mind-numbing water running :-)). One of the strength sessions will also be Tuesday and one Friday, so Monday is still a complete rest day. Hence, the calendar will now be;
Mon - rest,
Tue - water running intervals. Strength (legs/core)
Wed - mid week long run
Thu - cycle morning (25k), track session (speed, hills, etc) night.
Fri - Strength (legs/core)
Sat - Tempo or Race
Sun - long run.

Of course, to start with, the long runs will be about 5k :-) and we'll build the distance up gradually as usual. I have no distinct goals between now and March, so I've got plenty of time and I can afford to be opportunistic about any runs that come up in the mean time. Central Coast 1/2. Fitzroy Falls. SMC. Lots of places to have lots of fun. Sounds good to me.

Does that all make sense?



At 8:07 am, Blogger Jen said...

Roger that. Sounds like a great & sensible plan to me Gnome. And yes, there are lots of places to have lots of fun. Looking forward to seeing you there :-)

At 10:45 am, Blogger Tesso said...

Sounds good.

Don't underestimate the value of water running. When I was doing it a few years ago I met a lady who, due to an injury, did 90% of her marathon training water running. She went out and did a 3:20, probably just 10 mins slower than if she had've done road training.

Pity its so boring.

At 8:51 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Yes it makes sense. Good plan Gnome - especially just doing what you can regarding events between now and March. Good luck.

At 2:16 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

yes it makes sense. Missed you guys last night.


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