Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Helping Cheetacat

It was great to get the long run in Sunday and then run club Monday. Fortunately I was not felled by Gnome's bug and ran some good intervals. Caro decided to hang on to me in the last 500m and there was no way I was going to let her pass. We came home in 2.04 & 2.06 respectively - fastest either of us has done. We lay down exhausted on the grass feeling very chuffed with ourselves.

Tim got a phone call from a SMH reporter during the week asking if he could come down to run club and write an article for Saturday's Herald. The guy is coming Thursday night and dammit!! I have to work and then go straight to MicroTA's band night. Gnome will get there as usual. I hope Tim will be feeling better than he looked Monday.

My friend Leonie (CR Cheetacat) is a Personal Trainer in her second life. She normally does outdoor hour sessions but is doing some at our gym and needs to be able to offer a 30min session. So guess who was the guinea pig today?? We train as friends but don't normally cross the PT barrier. Anyway she did a good job and balanced her half hour well. She's a real trainer - loses count and lies about how many or for how long!. I think it must have been quite amusing for the other gym members to watch me hopping on one foot and kneeing the fitball with the other on every fourth count :-)



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