Sunday, January 29, 2006

10 weeks to go

Saturday was the CR5k at the bay. Did a k or so warm up with Kit and Captain Chunderbolt. I went off 21 minutes as I have for the last few months - I wasn't expecting any PBs, but I figured that I should be thereabouts. I was aiming to run 4:10s (ie 20:50 total) and see if I could drag in any extra in the last lap. As it was, I headed out too fast, doing 4:05s for the first 2ks, slowing in the 3rd and dropping to 4:30 in the 4th (really starting to struggle by then - the headwind didn't help, but that's no excuse). Got it back to 4:10 for the last k, but the damage had been done by then. Final result was 20:59.88. I guess I really should call that 21:00 :-)

It'd be interesting to know how it would have panned out if I'd gone that bit slower in the first 2 ks. Ah, well. Live and learn. Having said that, I'm more than satisfied with the result, because it means that I've maintained consistency over the last 4 months while I have been concentrating purely on endurance. Let's see what effect the next 4 weeks of stamina work has on next month's race...

As has fast become a tradition, the morning's exertions have become an excuse to stuff our faces afterwards at a local eatery. Honoured guest this month was Tesso, down from Brizzie. As always, the food was as good as the conversation (ie very).

Today's long run comprised 2 x a local 14k loop plus a bit to make up 29k. First time that I've used Gu on a run. That, combined with plenty to drink in the fuel belt, meant that I never got that starving feeling I normally get towards the end, so that's a good step forward. I'm aiming to get a variety of brands of gel and see if I have any preference or problems. The High-5 one that I used today was fine. I understand that PB are providing the sports drink for Canberra, so I'd better get some and make sure that it's OK. We normally use High-5 for that too.

10 weeks to go. Like I said to Kit yesterday, I try not to think about it, because every time I do, I get terrified :-) I mean, I know that I'll be OK, but I've never put this amount of effort and planning and time into anything in my life before (rather sad admission I know!). I think the thing that I fear most is that in spite of the effort, it (or I) will just turn out to be really ordinary :-(

Anyhow, that's enough navel gazing for now. Tomorrow's a rest day, Tues - tempo, Wed - 12k easy, Thur - Run club.

Total for week - 68k



At 9:37 am, Blogger 2P said...

Nice weekend of training sfG - one strategy I use is to start thinking about the next big thing after the current big thing - kinda helps keep it in perspective ;-)

At 9:59 am, Blogger Gronk said...

Congrats on the PB Gnome. Looks like your build up for Canberra is coming along just fine. No need to get terrified, after all its just a Sunday long run - right ? :eek:

At 9:16 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Terrified.... like startled rabits!! We will all be sooo fine! I keep thinking this is like the HSC we will wonder what all the fuss was about ( I hope!!!)

At 10:38 pm, Blogger Wobbly man said...

Great effort for the week Gnome! 10 weeks to go does sound a little scarey though.

At 9:45 am, Blogger Bennyr said...

Never ever round a 59 up! What are you thinking!

I know what you mean about being terrified - I've been there, and 42.2 is scary. You can be satisfied that you have done the right things. If the running gods choose to urinate on your parade it will not be through any fault of your own, so it's best to keep thinking about the process at this stage. Let the rest of us get nervous for you.


At 11:05 am, Blogger Tesso said...

I'm with Captain Chunderbolt - no rounding up!!! You ran a 20:59 and that's that!

Trust me, the marathon will not be ordinary :-)


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