Wednesday, February 01, 2006

No Go

When I arrived for my appt with Dr Pain today, he was just seeing his last client off. I thought she was probably a runner by the crop top she was carrying and her very slight frame. Turns out she's off to the Commonwealth Games to compete in 800m and 1500m. I knew Dr Pain was good!

I confessed to using my flippers a bit at swim training and the consequent pain in my achilles :-(. He said the lump is smaller but the calf has tightened up alot probably due to the flippers. He also said the shingles will intensify the pain it gives me. So it's stick to the same stretches, no using flippers and no running. Yes I'm frustrated but I also said I'm probably still too tired to run anyway. Dr Pain had shingles 2 years ago and a reoccurence of the pain last year. He says it takes a while to come good and suggests I do a week's course of daily B12 injections. He said it helped him.



At 10:26 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Sounds like you are in pretty good hands there with Dr Pain TA.

At 11:41 pm, Blogger 2P said...

I like B1 & B2 so B12 has got to be good ;-)

Seriously though it sounds like a good plan - hang in there TA.

At 3:50 pm, Blogger Horrie said...

Hang in there TA. You will be back running before you know it.

At 3:53 pm, Blogger miners said...

hey guys - not sure how you've seemed to drop out of my bloglines updates - I was wondering why your blog appeared quiet for so long!

Hope there's nothing else new that you find you've brought back from Cambodia TA - and I sincerely hope the achilles sorts itself out quick smart (bl@#*y nuisance of a thing those achilles)

And it's great to see the high weekly totals building up Bruce - stay safe out there won't you?


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