Saturday, June 18, 2005

Dance the Night Away

With working long hours at the moment it's been very early gym starts every day this week. After doing Cheetacat's PT Wednesday before work, I fronted up at the gym again on Thursday for a bike session. I caught up with a couple of gym buddies who were already on the bikes but then they moved on. The main part was 3x10min AT with 2min spin recovery and 50mins later I was off to work.

Tim had been back in hospital earlier this week so we cancelled Sat's training and he suggested I do a weights session instead. I decided to swop Friday's 12k run (with 5x3min @3kTT pace) to Saturday and booked a 1hr session with Matt for before work Friday. Fine until Tim talked to Gnome at Run club that night and said the run had to be Friday so as not to affect Sunday's long run. Tim suggested I reduce it to 8k and rest Saturday. The problem was I didn't get this message till 11pm (microTA's band concert) and Matt's session was 6am. Too late to cancel!!

The compromise was to get up at 5.20am and go and run on the treadmill at the gym. I did a 1k warmup then 4x(3min @3kTT, 3min easy) and a cooldown for a total 6k followed by a 50min session with Matt. Would you believe after giving me a quick stretch he did supersets of leg presses and lunges with increasing wts each time followed by box jumps, skipping and the x-trainer. My legs died on the second half of the x trainer and felt like two lead pipes.

Mind you they recovered nicely with a rest on Saturday and rather enjoyed dancing at the 80's trivia night we went to. We were very excited to come first in the quiz section but eventually were second by the time they included the table questionaires. Damn.



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