Tuesday, March 06, 2007

That was fun :-)

After doing the February CR5k and taking 60 secs off my Dec time I had to decide what to do the following Saturday - Striders 10k or Nepean Enticer. As the week went on, the gut said do Striders. So on Saturday morning I lined up at the VERY back to do my longest run in 15 months.

It had been suggested I'd do 58.43 but although I hoped to do under the 60 minutes I was not going to be ruled by my watch only my breathing. CR Chunderbolt decided to accompany me as he needed an easier run and we happily set off. We met up with a guy called Craig at about the 1.5k mark and he joined us. I told the guys that it felt great to have 2 male escorts looking after me and that they could chat while I just ran ( ha ha). Craig told us he was back to running after 10 years and had lost 15kg since Christmas.

We went through the 5k in 29.29 and I still felt good. At this point we started passing quite a few ahead of us (and gave some encouragement to Sista Chris Criniti ) and from about the 7k mark I picked it up a bit more. Craig was hurting a bit from his new orthotics and slowed a little but was not too far behind. Finished in 58.33 on the watch for a 25sec neg split and with an offical 58.48 on the Strider clock. (Takes a while to cross the start line with 360 runners ahead of you! ). Gnome was on timing duties and after we were all packed up we then enjoyed a post race breaky together.

Sunday we headed to the pool. Me for a recovery swim and Gnome to walk in the water. Gnome managed 200m of walking and another 200 of swimming. This was his first exercise in a month or so. It left him tired but happy.

Monday I did some wts in the morning and because I was to lead Runclub that night, I headed into the bay about 5pm to do my Tuesday easy 60 mins before Runclub. I know it wasn't Tuesday but I don't get to run the bay very often and it seemed a good chance. About 4k's into a very wet run I met CR Chonky and he joined me for the last 6k's including 2 barefoot laps of the oval at the end. We both commented on how quickly the time went. I dried off and waited around to see if anyone was coming to runclub but only one mad person like myself turned up, so he headed off to do a loop on his own. I ended up having a quick chat with Tim and got chided for running then, but he was pleased to see how well I'd backed up from Saturday.

As I did today's run yesterday I was told to do some walking so I walked to and from the High School as I was on canteen today. 60 minutes to get there and a shorter 40 home ( quickest route is 20mins). Tomorrow is rest day :-).



At 5:14 pm, Blogger Gronk said...

Good to have you back running TA. It's been a long time !

Sorry to see that the toe remains recalcitrant Gnome. They say that everything happens for a reason. Personally I'd like to bop the bloke who made that decision. ;-)

At 6:40 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Congrats on that great run on Saturday TA. I've done that course a few times now and find it soooo tough in the last few kms. Betcha not many others did a negative split like you did!

Good to hear that Gnomey was happy with his pool effort :-)

At 8:27 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Well done on the 10k TA! Beautifully paced - nice negative split.

Glad Gnomey is up and about. Does the 200/200 count as an aquathlon?

At 9:49 pm, Blogger Jen said...

So glad to hear that you are back on the road again TA & that Gnomey is moving once more.

Thanks for all your support particularly over the last 3 months. One of my main memories from the finish of Black Stump was hearing Gnomey yell "there's Jen". It brings a smile to my face everytime I think of it. I will think of it along Black Range on Saturday :-)

At 6:01 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog - I just wanted to say I love that picture of you both running together and the fact that you both run together! I wish I could do that ... but someone's gotta look after the munchkins!


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