Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hip Hop Smh Half

It was a beautiful morning and it was great to see so many runclubbers, striders and CRs out there today. I was looking at around 2hrs though Tim and Gnome thought I could be a bit quicker until Tim heard about my hip.

I have nursed my hip as best as possible this week but it was the unknown factor. The plan was to run solidly but if the hip was sore to play it by ear. Well the hip decided to whinge right from the start. I couldn't believe it and kept telling myself it would warm up. I was off my splits at 5k so stopped looking at the watch (too often ;-). Last time I ran this in 05 I was just at the 11k mark as the first male came in - this year he beat me by about 500m. At this point I was pretty sore and I have to admit it was a tough decision whether to keep going past the physio tent or just head straight in.

Anyway, I quickly revised my goal to 2.05 and kept going. The last 5 k were fairly excruciating but I "just kept running, just kept running" and when I saw Gnome and Micro at Argyle Corner I excitedly told them "I was going to finish and to meet me in the physio tent at the end". Gnome later told me that everybody around just laughed.

It was very hard not to do the usual burst at the end but I knew that would make the hip worse, so I just maintained my speed and finished in 2.04.xx. I then hobbled to the physio tent and while waiting, caught up with a few friends. I was able to see Dr Pain's colleague and she kindly pushed and poked in all the right places and recommended I have a break for a while.

Gnome, Micro and I then headed up to the pub and caught up with the other CRs before heading off and enjoying a Swans victory.


At 8:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done TA.

You give me hope that my achilles will (eventually) get better.


At 9:09 pm, Blogger Bennyr said...

Top effort, TA.

I really enjoyed catching up with you guys today.


At 9:33 pm, Blogger 26miles said...

Well done Sue ! Thanks for the support out there today too.

At 9:10 am, Blogger Ellie80 said...

great run TA! I am sorry to hear that the hip was being so painful - I hope that your visit to the physio tent has fixed it up good and proper!

At 11:17 am, Blogger allrounder said...

you are one hip lady TA...glad to see you made it in one, albeit sore, piece...go the Swannies!

At 1:17 pm, Blogger miners said...

but you didn't break! Fantastic to hear TA - hope the next week is good for you physio-wise :)

At 1:46 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Great result TA! How good is it to achieve a goal :)

So how much of a break will you need?

At 9:37 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Gee, you did it tough out there TA. I hope rest and recovery is all that's needed to get you back running. Don't want you hobling around like poor old Gnomey ;)

Great to catch up with you before the start. By the way, a terrible pun by AR!

Good photo from the mother's day race - nice well coached form :)

At 10:10 am, Blogger Rachel said...

Congrats on the run.
Nice to meet you on Sunday. Thanks for the cheers around the course and thanks to Gnome for the photos at the bottom of Argyle.

At 9:23 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Good to see you out there on Sunday and your comeback is going well, so I hope the hip doesn't put you back. Take care.

Good to see that Gnome is back out on the streets too!


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