Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cheer, cheer, the red and the white...

Just back from watching the swannies annnnnnnnihilate Geelong at the SCG. Yesterday morning was a 1 hour run with hills. Well, we've got the hills, so might as well use them :-) Feeling more and more confident with every passing day (and every hill run) that we're finally going to conquer heartbreak hill this year. Watch this space!

We've pretty much wrapped up our fund raising for Bear Cottage this week. We signed up to be part of Team Bear at the City to Surf. All that really entails is asking people to sponsor us in the race (and collecting the money beforehand, so if we succumb to injury or something, Bear Cottage still get their money). For those who don't know, Bear Cottage is a hospice for terminally ill children at Manly which is run by The Children's Hospital Westmead with no government funding whatsoever. A very worthy recipient of any spare cash you may have.

I made a couple of posters that TA and I put up at our respective workplaces, and in two and a half weeks (and with pretty much no arm twisting), she's topped $1000, and I raised $200. Given the opportunity, people really can be so nice! I feel like we have to pull out something special in the race this year (does running HBH count??), just to do justice to all those wonderful people. Just 5 weeks to go :-)



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