Tuesday, July 05, 2005

It's Tour de France time.

I had a go at my new weights program early Monday morning. Tim had given me the choice of doing the gym abs class or his exercises for the abs section. I'd timed my workout on Monday to finish just before the abs class and then it got cancelled, so I did Tim's version. It looks like a good comprehensive weights session. (maybe that's another way of saying long :-)

As I was away on Saturday and Tim's got school holidays we organised a PT for this morning. With Tim being an avid 'Tour de France' fan, it was mainly a bike workout. After 2 laps of the oval for warmup, I jumped on the bike and did lots of warmup spinning followed by some Lance Armstrong pedal drills to find the dead spots in my spin - far too enlightening! This was followed by 10 lots of 30sec Hard, 45sec spin and cooldown. Tim kept a check on my HR and was really pleased with it peaking at 160. I just kept pedalling, changing gears and feeling the sweat drop off my head. I haven't been on my bike for ages and was pleased with how the session went. Apparently we will build this session up to doing 45sec hard and 30 sec spin and increasing the number of reps as the year goes on.

Another lap of the oval and we moved on to some form work. Tim is always encouraging and says my running is looking good and he's quite happy with my style. Today however we were able to work on landing on the midfoot and pushing back off as I rolled through. That is right, isn't it Tim? It felt really good running this way but it's something I'll have to consciously think about before it just becomes routine. It's a bit like practising times tables in Primary School.

Another lap to cooldown and PT was over. I really enjoyed today and it was so nice doing the session at the Bay as the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold. Made me feel good all day though I'm a bit tired tonight. Don't think I'll last to watch the 'Tour' tonight - just have to settle for the highlights tomorrow at 6pm.



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