Monday, July 25, 2005

Gnomie's busy day

Sunday was just one of those days that you need a holiday after. Pity we'd just arrived back from one! It wasn't a bad day. In fact, it got off to a great start and then just got better and better. It was just jam packed and not a little wearing.

First thing was up early and into Rushcutter's to meet the Owl, Lulu & Go Girl for a run through the C2S route. They've all covered it quite adequately in their blogs, so I won't repeat. What I will say, though, is that I haven't run with the Owl (or Wol, to steal Aki's homage to Pooh) for a while, and I was surprised with the ease with which she ran. This is the new, more powerful 2005 model. Never tell Wol that there's a downhill after this uphill or you'll have to work to stay with her as she powers away. Quite startling really!

As with all good morning runs in company, this one finished at a cafe. New lesson learnt. Don't attempt to rehydrate with coffee. It wastes a perfectly good coffee going down the gullet without touching the sides. Next time, lots of water first.

After a lift back to the car courtesy of Lulu, I took TA into the SCG to secure seats for the Grand Final Preview (aka Swans -vs- West Coast) and then headed home to help MacroTA fix his car which had mysteriously died the previous night. One broken heater hose later, I was back again to town to catch the last quarter, bask in the reflected glory of supporting the winning team and pick up TA & microTA.

Back home with just enough time to grab a shower and make a sandwich for tea before heading out to church, then leaving it early to drive to the northern beaches for a nephew's concert (part of his assessment for his music degree). Finally arrived back at about 11:30pm, 17 hours and a couple of hundred km later. I'm glad it was a rest day today so we got to sleep in till 7am :-)

This week looks reasonably easy for me. 12k tomorrow morning with rolling hills and 4x3min efforts, run club on Thursday and then the CR5k and the Bay Run on Sat & Sun. Not quite so cruisy for TA because she has weights, cycling and PT as well, but that's why she puts Wonder Woman to shame :-)



At 9:36 am, Blogger CJ said...

Shame about West Coast Eagles :-(

At 1:51 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

I hear they are looking for a new Wonder Woman for the movie version, maybe TA should apply!

It was fun on Sunday, see you again at the real thing.

At 5:15 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Gnomey! You are too sweet! Thanks for running with me and thanks to both you and the wonderful TA for all your support.


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