Sunday, July 31, 2005

Time flies when you're busy and get extra sleep.

Gnome has taken MicroTA to another band competition this afternoon and told me I had to blog. Yes Sir !!

Sat 23/7 - After a great week at the snow it was back to PT. After no running for a week, Tim said there was 2 ways to cope with an absence and that was either return gently or smash the door down. So he chose the latter - a Bay run with a couple of fast k's thrown in and a bit of tempo work followed by wts. Seriously tired that night!

Sun 24/7 - see Gnome's Busy Day. Go Swannies :-)

Tues 26/7 - After Monday's rest day, Gnome and I headed out for 12ks of rolling hills and 4x3min efforts thrown in the middle. I decided we'd include 2 more hills we've never done before on either side of the efforts and on the first one Gnome suggested it was more of a cliff than a hill! As we headed home we just seemed to pick up the pace and did the last couple of k's at our 'efforts' pace. A good solid run.

Later that night while MicroTA was at footy practice I popped into the gym and did an upper body session. Very blokey place at night.

Wed 27/7 - As a parent you need to be sneaky sometimes. Angel doesn't use the gym quite as often as she used to but is happy to come with me. So the trick is to work out when she'll be free and tell her you're going and will probably be there for about 50 mins. It worked this time and she did cardio while I completed my wts session of legs and abs. I caught up with my friend Leonie while there which was nice.

Thurs 28/7 - Run Club. See Gnome's entry but watching the Guz was awesome. The only time I went passed him was during his 1 min recovery :-). As for our session I was really happy to run consistent 800s and the 30hard/30rec are always fun.

Fri 29/7 - Thursday night I set my bike up in the back room on the wind trainer ready for Friday morning thinking everyone would be asleep while I did it. Nuh - Gnome and MicroTA were up early for work and band so they got to eat breakfast to the 'pleasant' sound of my bike workout. Warmup, 7x30sec hard, 45sec spin and a cooldown. Poor old North (dog) wondered what his mum was up to.

Tim commented to me a couple of weeks ago that 7 hours sleep/night was not enough so I jokingly suggested he write it into my training program. He retaliated with 8.5 hrs a night and a 40min nap at 3pm each day. (haha) Strange thing is that at the snow we always slept at least 8.5 hrs and since coming home I've only slept less than 7.5 hrs twice. Mind you it helps to walk away from the computer.



At 9:24 pm, Blogger 26miles said...

Easy for Tim to say "get more sleep" he has a rest every day at 3.00pm when schools out ! :-D


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