Monday, August 22, 2005

Catching Up

Thursday 18/8 - After usual warmups and drills at Runclub we started the session. It was a series of timed intervals with timed floating recoveries. We'd done 4x1min, 1x4min, 1x3min and into the second 3min the oval lights went out. We trotted over to the TT course and Tim told us it would be just 1x1k interval. We all went hard and I did my fastest k (4.27min). Everyone was panting madly when Tim told us we now had 2x500m to do. "It's good to run when fatigued and teach the body to clear lactic acid" or words to that affect . He held back the faster guys and then paced them to finish in front. We all finished well despite the early doubts. After run club a few of us went to the pub for tea to farewell Polly who's returning to England. Much fun and laughter all round.

Friday 19/8- Upper body and abs session at the gym.

Saturday 20/8- PT with Tim was a mix of hills, efforts and wts. First we attacked the Leichardt oval short sharp hill and then moved onto Lilyfield Rd hill. That was to be done as continuous loops turning around Tim who gradually worked his way up the hill and as he descended I had to increase the speed for variation. We then headed back to the park throwing in a 3min, 2min and 1min effort with 30 sec rec. At the park we finished with some upper body work.

Sunday 21/8 - Gnome was still crook so I headed out for 1.5 hrs on my own. Stuck on the mp3 player and enjoyed moving along to my "running songs" compiled from recommendations on the CR running songs thread. I also got to enjoy another great Swannies win!!

Monday 22/8 - Angela and I headed out for a 10k with 2x2k (race pace) and 2 min rec thrown in. There is only one road around here that is reasonably flat and a bit over 2k long and not on a main road that we could do this on. Both of us had gone to a PT session on Sat and done a long run Sunday and were feeling it a bit in the legs. We warmed up over 2-3 k and hit the start point for our 2k effort. We came in at 10.01, 2 min recovery and returned in 9.45. We were glad to finish but pleased to have done them and in that time. This also confirmed that the undulations were slightly more downhill on the return journey. We went home a different way and as we got into a rhythm we kept going up around the church. I later realised we actually covered closer to 12k.

Tuesday/Wednesday - Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to snow we go.......................



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