Friday, August 12, 2005

It's a good day

Yep Gnome had a great TT last night and I was also happy with mine. Angela and I run fairly close in times and like to use each other on the TT course. Last time I beat her, so tonight she stated it was her turn. Fine by me to come in at 13.59 with fairly even splits ( 4.37, 4.44 and 4.38) . Only my second time under 14 and only 4 secs off the PB. She missed hers by 2 secs so we vowed that next month we'll both go for gold. Angela is also going to join Gnome and I for our Tuesday runs as her regular partner moved to Melbourne (Hi Kellie :-).

Decided last night to not take the swim option today but to take North for a good 30min walk as he'd missed out for a couple of days. Despite waking with a headache about 4am and finally getting back to sleep I managed the walk before work. It was gloves and beanie weather but beautifully sunny. Then I get to work and one of my older customers , Mr C, brings me in some homemade almond bread for my morning tea (carbo loading!) and another comes in with $20 towards my c2s Bear Cottage run. I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of my customers. So far they have contributed $1400 (with a bit more promised) towards Bear Cottage and they are all excited I'm doing it. Quite a few have dropped in this morning just to wish me luck, so I've promised to do my best and hopefully bring them home a PB :-).



At 5:12 pm, Blogger allrounder said...

excellent fundraising effort...with all that support you can't help but have a good run on sunday...

At 7:21 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, there are a lot of good people around, TA & the Gnome, as evidenced by their generosity for Bear Cottage...sometimes it's so easy to forget that! You'll run well on Sunday knowing that & also knowing that somewhere behind you Chickybabe is flying...oh, I wish!

At 8:38 pm, Blogger CJ said...

Good luck for Sunday though you certainly don't need it - you're both running well. Well done with your fundraising efforts too - that's pretty impressive and all for a good cause :)


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