Sunday, September 10, 2006

Good with the bad

I've just had the greatest weekend, watching all four AFL finals (sheeting rain and cold wind have their uses) and seeing my favourites get up in every one. I noticed my heart thumping in the last 5 minutes of my Swannies' match, so I took my pulse. Would you believe, 120 bpm?? No one can say that I don't get emotionally involved :-)

Alas, the weekend wasn't so good on the running front...

Tuesday I went water running in the morning, doing a Mona fartlek and following it up with some shallow water (slight weight bearing) stuff for the fun of it, and then 3 sets of 10 squats and 1 set of 10 lunges on each side, holding the last squat or lunge in each set for 10 sec. Wednesday was 11k relatively easy at 5:12 pace; the only item of note was my old "bowel urgency" problems returning. Thursday evening, there were only a few of us at Run Club (where were the fair-weather slackers?? :-) ). It was supposed to be a time trial, but with the lack of runners, Tim changed it to an intervals session. A couple of us decided to do an easy run in preference, and so headed up towards the dog loop and a bit beyond. When I got back, those who had remained for the intervals were on their last lap of a 3k (they'd done 1k, 2k & 3k with drills interspersed) so I continued onto the course to find MicroTA who was back with us after the conclusion of his footy season. All up, I covered almost 8k at a comfortable pace (forgot the garmin, so I can't be more specific). Micro is still whinging about his legs being sore - it seems that his footy training wasn't as running specific as he might have thought!

Friday is a rest day, so TA and I walked for about 1/2 an hour or so. I was going to run on Saturday (really I was!), but it was just too ugly to contemplate. Things were much better today (Sunday), and I was all prepared for a nice 20k, but less than 4k in I started getting terrible stomach cramps. A couple of toilet stops helped a little, and I tried to tough it out (on the highly specious premise that I might be feeling crook next week, and I'd want to keep going then...) but at 8k I pulled the plug and headed for home. All up, 11k at 5:12 again - same as Wednesday, but much less comfortable :-(

I'm pretty annoyed that I didn't get the longer run in this weekend, but I'm more concerned that my gut is going to affect next weekend's festivities. I think that I'll head around my 14k loop on Wednesday morning to see if things get squishy again. I do so fervently hope not...



At 10:07 am, Blogger miners said...

Good idea to temper your runs now to allow your body to ready itself for the important ones. No reason to push a long run if you're not physically prepared for it mate.

btw - nice pickings with the AFL. Not sure whether I enjoyed the Swans' last minute goal, or the Doggies' first minute hip & shoulder from Brody Holland better ;)

At 1:18 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Gotta love rainy weekends occasionally ;-)

Hope the tum settles.

At 8:12 pm, Blogger Robert Song said...

As a Swans supporter, I would have thought you would be used to those nail biting finishes by now.

At 9:14 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

14k on Wednesday sounds like a good option.

Go South Melbourne!

At 11:10 pm, Blogger blues buffett said...

Glad your teams got up - I got 0/4 tips. And none of the teams that I wanted to win, won. Sorry, I remember South Melbourne too well to like the Swans. At least I can say my real team gets first draft pick.
The weather must change significantly from WPH to Kellyville Ridge, because our Sunday was a shocker.
Seems like you are,generally, making progress. Well done.
Assume you're up for the Blackmore's this weekend. We'll be supporting HillsAths at Castle Hill Showground 8k 9am. Nice course, small field.


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