Friday morning was supposed to be an easy 30 minutes, so I spent most of the run trying to put the brakes on whenever Tiger (speed machine) Angel tried to get going. Sometimes it's hard to run easy :-)
Saturday morning at Homebush for the Strider's 10k was a different matter, though. It wasn't a
bad run. After all, it was a course PB, but it was also a minute over TA's real PB set at, of all places, Lane Cove! The first half went really well and we were right on time for a 51:00 (the current goal), but alas despite all efforts, we just faded in the last few k's. Still, you can't do a PB every time - unless your name is Papa Luigi, of course :-)
TA had to rush straight off to work, and then direct from there to her first PT session as apprentice rather than victim :-). By all accounts it went well - I can't think of many people who would make a better trainer than my TA - strength, knowledge and empathy - what a package! :-) Oh, I should take this moment to note that TA has been waiting all week for the results of her Cert III exams. By Friday morning, she was convinced that either she'd failed so badly that they didn't want to send out the results, or that she'd forgotten to put her name on the top of the paper. Of course, the reality was that she'd scored 90%, which is a High Distinction in any language. It doesn't matter how hard I try, I never fail to be
so proud of her.
Anyhow, where was I? Oh, yes. Saturday. TA arrived home just in time for us to scrub up and head out again for Owl & Tesso's Birthday Bash. Fun night, lots of food, got to admit that I didn't know where to look when the belly dancer came in, but then I was sitting right at her feet. I felt
much more comfortable when we all got up to have a go and I was able to escape to a less central position :-) Fell into bed exhausted at about 12:30am, so tired that neither of us heard Angel come home about an hour later.
So what's the little surprise that gave rise to today's blog title? Striders? The exam results? The belly dancer? Nup, none of the above. It's that I've just seen an email that TA sent to a friend where she remarks about training for the Central Coast Half in December. Now
that was a surprise :-)
p.s. I should acknowledge the source of our new blog photo. Go Girl's brilliant husband was waiting at the end of Blackmore's for GG to arrive, and despite only having met us once a few months ago, recognised us and got that snap. Thanks Rob.